Top 10 Places to Visit in Goa !

Panjim Church by Night
Panjim Church by Night
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Top 10 Places to Visit in Goa!


Being in the Hospitality Business in the last 6 years I would face one common Question from every Guest we serviced, that is “Which are the Best places in Goa to Visit?” As they are our guests it was always a pleasure to elaborate a few exotic locations in Goa and I could go all day talking about this beautiful Sun & Sand State of India.


Goa Holidays

But one fine day realised what about others who we don’t service or the internet browsing people who search the whole of Google, just to find the answer in-order to plan or make a Pleasant holiday in Goa. Asking a friend or a local resident might not always be a good idea.

Here is what I have pin down over the last 5 seasons, a list of 10 Tourist Places you must visit when travelling to Goa. The locations are good enough and can be visited or covered within a span of 2 – 4 days.

Even though Goa is not a destination that you could holiday just for 4 days or a week and vouch to see the whole of it. Yet the below 10 places will give you a sense of satisfaction on making your trip worthy.


Here are the Top 10 Tourist Places in Goa to Visit

Dona Paula beach Goa1) Dona Paula for a Birds-eye Scenery

– The Lovers Paradise – as it is called, Dona Paula Jetty is located on the beautiful and famous sea stretch that spans from Panjim, Miramar and Dona Paula. A thrilling breeze blows over this place and the view is very scenic.  This idyllic rocky tourist attraction lies at the spot where the Mandovi and the Zuari rivers meet the Arabian Sea.

Read more about Dona Paula 


2) Calangute Streets for a Shopping Ride

– Calangute – Baga lane is one of the worthy ride you could have. And I really meant Ride & not Drive. The streets are always crowded and its always best to hire a two-wheeler and ride along. The lane is full of Restaurants, Cafe’s & Night Clubs. The famous Tito’s is also located on this street.

Read more about Calangute 
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3) Fort Aguada for the view of Panjim CityFort-Aguada_Manav-Narula
– Aguada fort seems like the per­fect des­ti­na­tion for a bright evening. The view from climb­ing up the spi­ral stair­case, up the light­house, is ecsta­tic. It is one of the finest beau­ties overlooking the Panjim city.
Read More about Fort Aguada.




4) Old Goa Churches & its History
– The Old Goa location is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, also known as the Old Capital of Goa during the Portuguese Regime. One of the churches known as the Basilica is famous for holding the remains of St. Francis Xavier, whose Believed to be the Protector of Goa. The location gives a feeling of the Portuguese time, the place has so much of History. Read More about Old Goa.


5) Palolem Beach for a Miami feeling
– A scenic beach in extreme south Goa with scenic rocks and islands off its shores. Good eat­ing options. Watersports activity can be enjoyed at its Best on this beach. It is becom­ing pricey (by local stan­dards) and get­ting a bit crowded, but still less crowded com­pared to other pop­u­lar beaches.
Read More about Palolem Beach

6) Panjim City & the Church
– To reach the Church of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Panjim, one has to climb 100 steps arranged in a majestic fashion, for the Church sits majestically atop a hillock dominating the heart of the city and offering a bird’s eye view of the main square. The Capital city is placed right on the banks of the river Mandovi which brings about its own charm & sense of vibes.

Read More about Panjim City

Listing Goa’s Best Holiday Homes


7) Shri Mangeshi Tem­ple, Ponda

– One of the beautiful temples dedicated to Lord Siva & also considered as one of the most important temples in Goa, with a typical Goan Hindu Style of Architecture.

Read more about Mangeshi Temple


8) Majorda Beach for a Calm evening walk
– Sit­u­ated in the south of Goa, Majorda beach is one that will sweep you off your feet with its canopy of palm trees, soft white-sands, clear waters mere bliss. It has been one of the most pop­u­lar beaches of Goa, and its pop­u­lar­ity lies in its serenity.

Read more about Majorda Beach


9) Cansaulim Monte for a Panoramic view of the Arabian Sea
– Cansaulim Monte offers a spec­tac­u­lar array of most of South Goa’s beaches and much more. Its geo­graph­i­cal loca­tion offers one the joy of a really beau­ti­ful sun­set. One can see the Konkan rail­way, typ­i­cal Goan fields with farm­ers and bul­locks, nar­row roads and the scin­til­lat­ing breeze received atop. Its a little difficult to get here but its really worth the effort.
Read More about Cansaulim Monte 


Apartment, Villa, Studio, Beach Huts
Cheap Accommodation in Goa – Apartments | Villas | Guest Houses | Beach Huts (Baga, Benaulim, Calangute, Colva, Palolem)


10) Martin’s Corner (Celebrity Restaurant)
– Celebrity, thats true.. Ask any tourist where they have dinned in the South, instantly they would say Martin’s Corner. I would recommend you to dine here for 2 reasons, 1- For the delicious Sea Food cooked in Goan masala’s & 2 – Never know, you might be lucky to bump into a celebrity there. Even Cricket Legend Sachin Tendulkar is closely associated to this family, his favourite dish is the Crab Xec Xec.
Read More about Martin’s Corner

So, thats it for now and Incase your a regular tourist to Goa and have visited the above places, then don’t get disappointed. Visit the iNFO page on website and you will surely find a bunch of more locations.

And to add more.. In-order to make it a little more easier for you, I will be highlighting on another 10 exclusive locations in Goa within a couple of weeks. So till then a Bon Voyage to Goa.

Our Recommended Holiday Home #Lotus Holiday Home and #Palolem Holiday Home located in Goa’s most loved serenity Benaulim Beach.


Latest Article is for the ones who just wanna explore the Goan Beaches.. (#10 Most Beautiful Beaches in Goa)

#HolidayHomesGoa  #AllAboutGoa  #Watersports

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